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Samstag, 3. Oktober 2009

shoes shoes shoes

One thing you have to know about me: I am shoe-addicted!

My favourite shoes at the moment. It's getting cold outside so I can't wear all of them, unfortunately. I just ordered a pair of black booties on Zara, but I don't know if I get them.

xoxo zola

8 Kommentare:

This chick's got style hat gesagt…

Wow, great shoes!!

Boubou hat gesagt…

Bonjour !
First time i come across your blog, i wanted to invite you to check out my daily collage inspiration on my blog boubouteatime if you have some, i hope you will enjoy the visit !
a bientot !
Bouchra xx

Ilanka Verhoeven hat gesagt…

Love the third ones! And also love the who what wear book!
X, fashion-nerdic.

EN VANITÉ hat gesagt…


lilmisszolicious hat gesagt…

thanks to all for lovely comments!!!

xoxo zola

The Starving Stylist hat gesagt…

Your show collection is amazing! I love it!


Unknown hat gesagt…

salut ma soeurette, i love ur shoes, schade dass sie mir nit passen ;-)

Anonym hat gesagt…

How is the Who What Wear book?