I've never been a huge Vogue fan, but since I bought my first one three month ago, I love it. You know, personal taste is changing all the time. 2010 will be different. I feel I am more mature what belongs to personal taste and style. I don't spend all my money to pieces I get borried very quickly, I rather save for classic items. Now I love Vogue, not much Glamour or Instyle. I guess I'm getting older. But in a good way.
xoxo Zola
P.S. This mini fashionista is my little sister Buji. She is real fashion girl, a real inspiration for me.
14 Kommentare:
Thanks girrrl for the comment on my blog!
Love your trench, a perfect basic in every women's closet!
I love Vogue too :)
Love the picture!! I'm glad you've converted ;)
yay Vouge is fab! And your sister looks really chic :D
vogue is amazing. welcome to the club girl!
never had a vogue magazine. I wonder how fabulous it is.
oh love your look. Classic.
I am Denise Katipunera
i love your look tooo!!!nice blog! :D I LIKE IT
I follow you, i hope you follow me toooo????
i`m happy if you follow me toooo with bloglovin ;)
kisssss from germany ;*)
Vogue has always been my original fashion bible. Great photo!
Your sister is too cute!
your sis looks cute! :)
cute pic :)
very beautifull your outfit!!!
fantastic outfit
Hi !!
I really like your blog,
I follow you :D !
... maybe if you have time, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it, follow me back ;)
Thank you!
I like your style. It suits you very well.
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