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Samstag, 14. Juli 2012

The most fashionable city: Milano

Last week we went to Milan, the most fashionable city of the world (to me). I was thrilled to see this beautiful and huge city. The whole architecture, the culture and the people were just amazing.

I think the people there (the ones who live there, not the tourists) are very fashionable. I saw a lot of good-dressed women and men. They were wearing the whole designer stuff, mixing it with normal brands,with no make-up and without big effort. And this is what I really like about Italian style.

I was dreaming of these Prada ballerinas since march and I was happy to find them finally in Milan. They are perfect. So comfy and adjustable. I wear them in elegant way or with really casual stuff.

Prada ballerinas

Top & pants: Zara, sandals: Bagatt

7 Kommentare:

Naina hat gesagt…

Eek I would have to disagree - New York has my heart when it comes to fashionable foxes ;) But still love your photos, looks like you had fun shopping!


lilmisszolicious hat gesagt…

Sorry, so far is milan my fav fashion city, because I havent been in ny yet.

Anonym hat gesagt…

wow looks like so much fun! x


Martina hat gesagt…

Hi! Yes, in Milano you can always find highfashion, people who wear really really well, but you can also find a lot of poeple (most people) as plain in fashion as you can find in any other place of the world.
Anyway, really love your ballerinas, hope you enjoyed your time in Milano! xx

TerrorFashion hat gesagt…

OMG die Ballerinas sind traumhaft!

Flight of Fancy Boutique hat gesagt…

Those shopping bags look like they have such nice things inside! Nice flats.

Store: The Flight of Fancy Boutique

Gaby de Modacapital hat gesagt…

you look perfect!